What Should You Know About Laser Hair Removal?

bullet imagebullet imageNo one wants to have to deal with unwanted body hair. Though there are countless products and tools available to remove unwanted hair, these are not always effective. Often, these methods end up causing darkened areas, irritation, ingrown hairs, stubble and dry skin. Most of these methods only produce results for a short amount of time before hair begins growing back. Fortunately, there is a new method for Hair Removal.

The best method for Hair Removal involves the use of a laser. An IPL laser can send waves of energy deep into the hair follicle where it is attracted to the melanin in the hair. As the hair follicle absorbs the light energy, the follicle is dramatically shrunk and Waxing hair production ceases. Though this method of treatment is not for everyone, it can produce beneficial results in those with light skin and dark hair.

For a treatment to be effective, it will need to be performed several times. This is because different hairs are in different phases of growth. A hair follicle must be in its active growth phase to be able to be treated effectively by the laser. Each treatment will keep hair growth away for several months. As treatments continue, hair becomes lighter and thinner until eventually there is no further growth. This can sometimes lead to semi-permanent results that allow a person to be hair-free for years at a time.

Each treatment starts with a numbing cream being placed on the skin. Though laser therapy is not meant to cause major pain, it can cause discomfort in some. Most people liken the pain to that of a rubber band popping against their skin or a slight stinging sensation. Many people take an over-the-counter pain reliever before their treatment to help ensure there is no pain.

Those who are interested in removing their hair through laser therapy should schedule a consultation with Nouri FBC. They can examine your skin and hair to ensure you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Before scheduling your laser therapy appointment, it is important you do not shave, wax or pluck your hairs for at least two weeks before treatment. You should also avoid using any moisturizers, makeup or other skin products on the day of treatment.

Through this treatment, you can finally be free of your unwanted hair so you can feel confident in your appearance. While at your consultation appointment, you may also want to ask about Slimming treatments that can tone and define your body.